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Ava Dellaira - Community Reviews back

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Book Web
Book Web rated it 7 years ago
What actually is required to sort out a problem is to share it with your closed ones!Your family or your friends or anyone whom you trust.Because sometimes the only solution of the problem is sharing.And that's what Ava Dellaira's novel :'Love Letters to Dead' teaches. The style with whi...
NiWa rated it 9 years ago
Es fängt mit einer banalen Hausaufgabe im Englischunterricht an. Es soll ein Brief an eine verstorbene Berühmtheit geschrieben werden. Laurel schreibt an Kurt Cobain und hängt weitere Briefe u.a. an Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin und Judy Garland an. Denn nur den Toten kann Laurel erzählen, wie ihre Sc...
DrAwkto Reads
DrAwkto Reads rated it 9 years ago
Dropped this novel. Will not do a objective review on my blog because of it. I didn't like this because the teenage main character was portrayed very well as a naive teenager. She was a pretty bland character, in my opinion. I couldn't get over how much telling was in this novel. It's basically a en...
boghunden rated it 9 years ago
So incredibly boring! Nothing made any sense.
theatreloverslittlebooknook rated it 9 years ago
this book was truly beautiful though it did have some flaws it makes you relize the beauty in life and know matter how hard it is it will get better . I cryed like a baby reading parts of this book but I felt a great connection considering I had recently had a family member just die so this ...
theatreloverslittlebooknook rated it 9 years ago
this book was truly beautiful though it did have some flaws it makes you relize the beauty in life and know matter how hard it is it will get better . I cryed like a baby reading parts of this book but I felt a great connection considering I had recently had a family member just die so this ...
Read All The Things! Reviews
Read All The Things! Reviews rated it 10 years ago
I got frustrated with this book. I know that a lot of people love it, but I had a hard time getting through it. In English class, Laurel is assigned to write a letter to a dead celebrity. She uses the assignment as a way to cope with the death of her sister, her parents’ divorce, the drama of high...
Samys Lesestübchen
Samys Lesestübchen rated it 10 years ago
Inhalt:Laurel soll für den Englischunterricht einen Brief verfassen, jedoch keinen gewöhnlichen Brief, denn dieser soll an eine "verstorbene" Persönlichkeit gerichtet sein. Ihre ersten Zeilen schreibt sie an Kurt Cubain, den Frontmann von Nirvana und absoluter Lieblingssänger ihrer zu früh verstorbe...
Bookish thoughts!!!
Bookish thoughts!!! rated it 10 years ago
Auch bekannt als das Buch, dass mich mit so vielen Gefühlen überschüttet hat, wie ich es garnicht erwartet hatte. Ich muss sagen, dass nach den ersten 5 Briefen, ich nicht genau wusste ob das Buch wirklich für mich ist. Dabei mag ich es total, wenn Bücher einfach mal anders geschrieben sind, hier ...
Meh rated it 10 years ago
Some events are just thrown in. Sky himself seems thrown in. I'm not convinced a freshman could do all that stuff, but maybe it's just me. I hated how stupid the girl acted most of the time. Like get over yourself. Anyway, besides all that, I ended up still liking her story.
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