by Kelly Sue DeConnick, Stefano Caselli, Pete Woods
It's books like this that make me glad I'm reading Marvel again. It isn't quite perfection, but it's so incredibly fun. Avengers Assemble seems like it's positioned as the book for people fresh off the Avengers movie who have little experience in comics, and it's great for that. It has most of the i...
I know Kelly Sue didn't write the Avengers Assemble Annual, but that issue is so beautiful it made me tear up a little. Vision is a character that really puts you through the wringer with his confusion and emotional turmoil.
I forgot how much I liked this series until I reread it in trade (recent issues have suffered from tie-in-itis). It would be a good place to start for movie fans who want to try out the comics, I think; it is a delightful and unforced fusion of movies and comics. The series is deliberately continuit...