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Avery Aames
Avery Aames's Books
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lisaakelley3 rated it 10 years ago
Releasing just in time to enjoy for Valentine’s Day, Avery Aames has another winner in AS GOUDA AS DEAD. This book is based during Valentine’s Day, so it is perfect to get you in the mood. Ummm…for love and chocolate, not murder. ;-) Let’s leave the murder between the pages. In this sixth installm...
Angel's Book Reviews 2.0
Angel's Book Reviews 2.0 rated it 10 years ago
Well... I can't remember exactly why I liked the first one so much.There's a lot I can excuse and overlook, but the level of racism, sexism and homophobia in this book made me retch. On top of that, the story is silly, the characters are naive and cliche, and the research the author made for it was ...
Angel's Book Reviews 2.0
Angel's Book Reviews 2.0 rated it 10 years ago
I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. Having recently read [b:The Long Goodbye|2054|The Long Goodbye (Philip Marlowe, #6)|Raymond Chandler|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388225584s/2054.jpg|998106], and having this one gathering dust in my TBR list, I thought it would be only natural that ...
What is Kimberly reading now?
What is Kimberly reading now? rated it 11 years ago
I like the setting of the cheese shop and this book made me want to find a local Fromagerie for some new cheeses for fall. The town sounds nice with it's mix of shops and shop owners. Kind of like a Richard Scarry Busytown. I know this was the first book in this series, but I felt like I was drop...
Murder by Death
Murder by Death rated it 11 years ago
Stick a fork in me, I'm done. This series started off well enough for me and at first my only real complaint was every time she mentioned a cheese it sounded like marketing copy to such an extreme that I expected a "where to buy" section at the back of the book. But over time, the cheese marketin...
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