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*Book source ~ Free on Amazon Seba and the other occupants are in for a surprise on Noah’s ark. Who knew that the unicorn and manticore were actually on the ark? And not exactly what they seemed. No wonder they’re extinct. There’s more humor in this story, but it wasn’t as fun as the others. Not...
*Book source ~ Free on Amazon Two Liliths, three brothers. When Cain, Abel and Diklah stumble upon the Liliths they are tempted by sexual pleasures. Will it be their undoing? Ok, this was weird even for a monster porn. Not as much humor in it as I would have liked considering how strange it is, ...
*Book source ~ Free on Amazon When Archangel Gabriel appears to Mary and informs her she is to give birth to God’s son, Mary is upset and confused. How is she to stay pure for Joseph and yet get pregnant by God? Gabriel reassures her she will remain pure while he and the Holy Spirit have their way...
*Book source ~ Free on Amazon The Archangels Michael and Gabriel warn Lot and his daughters about the soon to be toasted cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Hazo thinks Michael is familiar. Is he the one who has been coming to her and trying to give her pleasure even though he doesn’t have a penis? Mayb...