by K.A. Linde
★★★★The Avoiding series is by far one of my most favorites. K.A. Linde can write angst like nobody's business. Avoiding Intimacy is a spin-off novella about Lexi's best friend, Chyna. I think because I love Lexi's story so much and it's so full of palm-sweating, heart-palpitating angst that Chyna...
$0.99 on Amazon 8/10/13
”What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his whole soul?” ~Oscar Wilde Avoiding Intimacy took the reader on a journey into Chyna’s world where they witnessed firsthand exactly how vulnerable and misunderstood she truly was. It’s a story of self-discovery, acceptance, friend...
I wanted to love this book, I really did but somehow it just ended up ok-ish!And it's just feel strange since i LOVE the Avoiding series (I'm a masochist,I KNOW!!) and I always liked Chyna but I can't get into this story.Now, don't get me wrong, it still have lots of great moments (and way too hot m...
Awesome looking forward to this!!!!
Surprisingly, I pretty much like it. Unlike the first two books in this series where it made me want to 'banged my head on my laptop', rolled eyes a freakin' LOT, slapped my forehead, pull out my hair. :PThankfully, Chyna is a LOT better character than Lexi. She's a strong character. I like her. Eve...
To be honest, the 4th star was earned around the 85% mark. I don't know if I was just craving some news on Lexi or what, but I didn't devour avoiding intimacy like I had the first two books. Not fussed on the alternating chapters between the past and present, but it did set up the storyline well. ...
DNF ... I'm just not into this one at all