This is the last of her mystery books with Shirley? Well, I guess one character can have murder around her only so many times. This one was different. Why were these newly weds dead and why did they lie about everything? Nicely resolved with an easy ending.
Even on vacation Shirley has to solve a mystery? People die too? How does this happen to people? Regardless, this was a fast mystery story which was concisely written. Another enjoyable read.
Here we go. This is what I expect out of Ms. Tepper. I expect some kind of environmental commentary. This one was right up her alley on poisoning the land. A quick and enjoyable read.
Note to self, avoid accepting ashes of dead family members. This was a clever second story with Shirley solving the mystery. I enjoy this style of writing. Easy to read and a pleasure to devour.
This is was during my mystery kick which I read the entire series. Of course, since it is Ms. Tepper, I had to read them because I enjoy her writing style. This one with Shirley McClintock reminds me of Jessica Fletcher in Murder, she wrote.