by T.A. Webb, Sara York, Lee Brazil, Rawiya, Patricia Logan, Havan Fellows, Jane Amanda Smith, Lavina Lewis, C.R. Guiliano
When you DNF a 17 page book, something's gotta be wrong. This story didn't work for me. I hated the MCs almost immediately and didn't care what happened to them. I will probably go back and spend th 15 minutes needed to finish this sometime to see if there is some redeeming twist at the end. Than...
Hmmm, short stories are often difficult to pull off for one of three reasons. Either the plot is too complex, the plot is entirely TOO SIMPLE, or the writer gets carried away and ends up with half of a full length novel instead of a short story. I must say that the first description best fits this.....
Perhaps just a bit too involved, and too many characters for a novella to gain an immediate understanding or relationship with the characters. I felt like a landed in the middle of a series that started way back when. It's fast moving, lots of action, some sexy m/m moments and rather entertaining. I...
2.5 stars. This had a lot of potential, but it has so much happening so fast, by the time I caught up with what was going on, it was over. I would have liked to have seen more of this in a full-length story.
Free story that was a bit too complex and too many characters to be that short.I kept thinking it must be a sequel or short belonging to another story, but I don't think it is. everyone was double crossing and working them over and no one knew about the other players and then the MC's partner is the...
Another one I forgot to add! At least I didn't get it twice.