by Jonathan Kellerman
Incredibly boring. I was pretty much only interested in the Frenchie. Not enough Milo, too much Alex just hanging around with Robin. It's sad when you only continue with a series because of a supporting character and (generally) interesting crimes.
Readable story about a psychologist who finds himself in the middle of murder. Unsure who is doing it and having plenty of suspects it's still a shock when the actual culprit is unveiled!
This is my least favorite Dr. Delaware novel, and I have to admit it's because I don't like Robin. There, I said it.
A good one. I was completely stumped by the murder but that isn't my fault. Kellerman doesn't try to hard to give you clues to the guilty person. His character development, particularly the psychological aspects, is fab. It isn't so much whodunnit as whydunnit. I also like the subtlety of the ac...