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Banana Yoshimoto - Community Reviews back

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"So it goes."
"So it goes." rated it 7 years ago
I'd read the first novella in Kitchen before, but embarrassingly, I'd never read the second! I love the first one so much, I was a bit worried that I wouldn't love the second. Honestly, I don't love the second as much, but I loved it anyway. It has some of the most wonderful lines I've ever read. ...
She's Reading! ♥
She's Reading! ♥ rated it 7 years ago
Ancora una volta, Banana Yoshimoto riesce a descrivere la natura umana nella sua interezza in pochissime pagine che scorrono in modo velocissimo senza risultare mai ridondanti. Leggi la recensione completa su The History Temple: clicca qui!
Awogfli - Bookcroc
Awogfli - Bookcroc rated it 7 years ago
Im Rahmen meiner Autorinnenchallenge bin ich beim Buchstaben Y zufällig auf Banana Yoshimoto gestossen und sehr positiv überrascht. Ich möchte unbedingt baldigst einen Roman oder eine Novelle von dieser Autorin lesen, denn ihr Schreibstil hat mich sehr begeistert. Komisch dass mich bisher alle Japan...
Calyre rated it 7 years ago
Quand on chemine sur un sentier de montagne sombre et désolé, la seule chose qu'on puisse faire c'est de trouver sa lumière soi-même.Tout le monde est appelé un jour à se disperser dans le ténèbres du temps et à disparaître.Je voulais toujours garder présente en moi l'idée que j'allais mourir un jou...
Feminism in Cold Storage
Feminism in Cold Storage rated it 8 years ago
The Lake was much more enjoyable than I thought it would be. I didn't really know what to expect. As usual, I read the description when I first chose to put the book on my TBR and didn't bother looking at it again when I sat down to read it. What's the point, I already knew I was interested. I have ...
She's Reading! ♥
She's Reading! ♥ rated it 8 years ago
Il secondo libro della Yoshimoto che leggo. Uno stile pulito, ordinato e unico. Divorato in un paio di giorni, compagno di tempo che doveva trascorrere velocemente ad ogni costo. Per questo l'ho trovato molto di compagnia; ritrovarsi improvvisamente in una candida mente adolescenziale mi ha davvero ...
makhda rated it 8 years ago
Seriously creepy and so good. This one right here is memorable oneshot yaoi. I really want the full story though. Warning: non/con.
Das also ist des Pudels Kern
Das also ist des Pudels Kern rated it 8 years ago
Die Ich-Erzählerin Sayoko und ihr Freund Yoishi geraten in einen schweren Autounfall. Während ihr Freund bei diesem Unfall stirbt, erlebt Sayoko eine Nahtoderfahrung. In einer Zwischenwelt trifft sie erst auf ihren verstorbenen Hund und schließlich auf ihren ebenso bereits verstorbenen Großvater, de...
Pandabearbooks rated it 9 years ago
Tuntuu, että tämä kirja olisi enemmän kolmen ja puolen kuin vain kolmen tähden arvoinen, mutta vaihtoehdoista "liked it" ja "really liked it" osuu ensimmäinen lähemmäs maalia. N.P. oli minulle lukukokemuksena unenomainen ja kaunis, mutta en missään vaiheessa oiken saanut siitä kunnolla kiinni. Muist...
She's Reading! ♥
She's Reading! ♥ rated it 10 years ago
È il primo libro di Banana Yoshimoto che leggo nella mia vita. Sinceramente, non sapevo proprio cosa aspettarmi, pur conoscendo in parte quanto sia diversa la letteratura giapponese dalla nostra. Credo di essere rimasta senza parole e di non riuscire ancora ad articolare nessun pensiero coerente co...
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