The truth lies between the lines...A year ago, Dovie Larkin’s life was shattered when her fiancé committed suicide just weeks before their wedding. Now, plagued by guilt, she has become a fixture at the cemetery where William is buried, visiting his grave daily, waiting for answers she knows will ne...
This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life.I decided to read this book up because the synopsis sounded interesting. I really had no expectations since I have never read any of this author's work before and really hadn't heard anything about this book. I am glad that I decided to pick it...
Dovie spent her lunch hours in the cemetery every day since her fiancee committed suicide. Dovie hoped she would find out why William would kill himself a few weeks before their wedding.The cemetery didn't tell her much, but she did befriend the caretaker of the cemetery, Josiah, as well as com...
The summer at Hideaway Key starts out with two little girls being dropped off at a poor house, Mt.Zion, by their mother. The girls are terrified, but they believe that their mother will come back for them once she can support them again. This is a time, 1953 when times are tough for a single mother ...
An inherited beach cottage with memories of its own, a beach cottage filled with journals about the life of an unknown aunt, a job as a fashion designer in Milan, and decisions, decisions, decisions.Lily St. Claire had no idea that her father had left her a beach cottage that once belonged to her es...
Mary, Lane, and Michael. Three marvelous and completely different characters when put together make the pages of THE WISHING TIDE come alive. Lane owns a Bed & Breakfast, Mary is homeless, and Michael is the mysterious, unwanted guest who arrives during a storm for what appears to be for reasons o...
I wanted more details on a few facts. For instance, Davis stated that no evidence wrt mitigating circumstances was given, per Darlie Routier's instructions to her attorneys. Mitigating circumstances were the only thing standing between her and the death penalty! No reason is given. On the whole, tho...