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Barbara Morgenroth
Barbara was born in New York City but now lives at Black Cat Farm. Envisioning a career as a globe-hopping photojournalist, upon graduating from college she determined her hop muscles weren't global strength. After having a stable for several years, Barbara turned to writing. One of her... show more

Barbara was born in New York City but now lives at Black Cat Farm. Envisioning a career as a globe-hopping photojournalist, upon graduating from college she determined her hop muscles weren't global strength. After having a stable for several years, Barbara turned to writing. One of her traditionally published books was turned into a television movie (Will the Real Renie Lake Please Stand up, now available as Unheard), and another opened the door to writing for television (In Real Life I'm Just Kate now available as Just Kate). She has written fiction and nonfiction and loves the freedom of ebooks where she has become Queen of All She Surveys, as long as it's on her desktop.**Follow Barbara on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/bittersweetfarmbooks or https://www.facebook.com/barbara.morgenroth.5 She loves hearing from readers and sharing photos. You'll hear about the latest releases first!**Follow Barbara at http://Twitter.com.BarbMorgenroth. @BarbMorgenroth
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Community Reviews
Manga Maniac Cafe
Manga Maniac Cafe rated it 10 years ago
4 starsDisliked the non ending, but loved everything else about this book. It's all about barn drama drama DRAMA! Horsey details are accurate, and I love the chemistry between Lockie and Talia. Greer is a pain in the butt, but the chaos she causes sure is fun to read about.
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