Rock writers with an atitude, for a change. You may not agree with all of them (I didn't), but I enjoyed reading it nevertheless.
Hotel California: The True-Life Adventures of Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young, Mitchell, Taylor, Browne, Ronstadt, Geffen, the Eagles, and Their Many Friends
Certainly full of interesting facts, but suffers from too many of them. The cast of characters is huge and unwieldy, with many people doing what I felt were unnecessary walk-ons. The writing was magazine-like with extra trivia shoehorned in. I enjoyed parts of it very much, especially how songs came...
This is the L.A. music scene through-the-ages as seen through the eyes of a Brit. And why not? After all, so much of it depended upon the English. Along with the Beatles, the Stones and the rest of the "British Invasion" of the 1960s came a presence - an almost invisible, yet vocal entity in its own...