Kindle free download 4/16/13.
So... I was trying to think of how to eloquently state everything I was feeling after reading this, then I read my GR friend DG's review, and that pretty much sums it up. Beautiful, sad, exciting, poignant. I liked how instead of all the usual guns and knives and bloody violence, John was straight ...
I liked this book but thought it was a little slow moving for a suspense/thriller novel. When there was action, it was exciting and I liked the twists and turns on the political side. But there may have been too much about Tokyo architecture and which train John Rain was on. I'm hoping this is ju...
Another thriller series that's sucked me right in. John Rain is an assassin with standards--no women, no children, and his specialty is making it look like a natural death. Eisler draws you right in to John's world and keeps the adrenaline flowing.