Barry has had more than 50 short stories and poems featured in print and online publications. He is the author of The Masks of Our Fathers,The Bleeding Room, The Hollows, Nests, Dark Water, and several other books. He was also the winner of the 2012 Amazon contest "Write a Dead Man Novel" which...
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Barry has had more than 50 short stories and poems featured in print and online publications. He is the author of The Masks of Our Fathers,The Bleeding Room, The Hollows, Nests, Dark Water, and several other books. He was also the winner of the 2012 Amazon contest "Write a Dead Man Novel" which awarded him a contract with 47 North to write the 18th installment of Amazon's Dead Man series, Streets of Blood.A collection of his short fiction, Debris, was published by Library of Horror Press in 2009 but is currently out of print (many of the stories featured in Debris can be found in his newer collection, Broken Nightlights). In 2010, his debut poetry collection, A Mouth for Picket Fences, was published by Needfire Poetry.A humble servant to ambient music and coffee, Barry continues to work towards further self publishing projects as well as pursuing traditional markets. He is currently at work on two series and a number of stand-alone novels.He keeps his online home at and you can follow him on Twitter under the name @bnapier.
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