by Angie Sage
I’m trying to beef up my juvenile fiction reading because of the New Job. I wasn’t sure what I’d think of this one, but I ended up finding it funny and rather charming.
Tja, ich habe es endlich geschafft. Ich habe seit meiner Schulzeit mal wieder ein englisches Buch komplett gelesen (ja, für mein Studium musste ich auch englische Texte lesen, aber ein komplettes Buch, nope) und ich hatte viel Freude dabei. Worum geht es? Araminta wohnt zusammen mit ihrer Tante T...
read with Kinnell
Araminta has her house put up for sale by her Aunt Tabitha but she hasn't acheived her ambition of finding a ghost in it, yet; can she stop the sale and proove that the house is haunted? Fun, funny and for youngsters, but nevermind - I enjoyed it, too!
I do love me a haunted house. And I feel like Sage did a marvelous job creating a family that nods to the Addams and the Munsters, without immitating.