by Jon Scieszka, Mac Barnett, Matthew Myers
I don’t remember where I saw the recommendation for this book, but thank you, unknown book reviewer, for introducing me to this stinkin’ adorable, yet subversive, little children’s book. The book is presented as a sickly sweet kiddie book about a birthday bunny who wanders sadly around the forest,...
This book gave me a great idea on an activity to do with students with books that are discarded or ripped. They can rewrite the book and make the book their own. Welcome to Battle Bunny. I laughed reading parts of this book and I think some children will enjoy this more than others as parts of it we...
I really enjoyed reading this picture book. It was two stories in one. One story focused on a bunny and that bunny's birthday party whilst the other story focused on a bunny and that bunny's quest to rule the world! XD I really enjoyed reading it and the artwork that went along with it was very crea...
Thanks goes to Ronyell for introducing me to this wonderfully imaginative picture book. The original book is called Birthday Bunny and, from a note on the front piece, is a gift to a boy called Alex from his Grandmother. It's a story about a bunny on his birthday as he visits his friends and they ...
Genre: Animals / Violence / Alternative Narrative / Cute Year Published: 2013 Year Read: 2015 Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers After reading Jon Scieszka’s famous children’s books “The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales” and “The True Story of the Three Li...
I usually talk more about the art or the text with picture books, but with this one, there's a unity that cannot be divided. Brilliant. Natasha and I both oohed and aahed over it, pointing out every little detail we discovered. This is meant to be a treacly sweet birthday gift to a boy, which he has...
Pretty adorable. How can you not love the 'editing'?
10/28/13 ** This was one of the most fun books that I've read in a long time. Of course, one would expect a book from Sciecska to be pure fun. Also, I thoroughly enjoyed Mac Barnett's spoof of the Hardy Boys mysteries, so humor from this team of authors makes sense. I read the book aloud to my fourt...