by Koushun Takami, Masayuki Taguchi, Keith Giffen, Tomo Iwo
It's a lottery. But in this lottery, there's no multi-million dollar check to turn your life around. No, this is the worst thing that could happen to you if you're a ninth grader in the economically and sociologically bankrupt future that creators Koushun Takami and Masayuki Taguchi have dreamed up....
Between the novel and the manga, I decided to read the manga. But maybe I should have started with the movie. The plot is catchy, and all is so crazy and gore. At first I almost quit, because of the artwork. It looked funny, almost cartoonish. And I don't like when the mangaka overdoes the crying: l...
Still super disturbing to me eventhough this is my 2nd attempt at tackling this story. The story makes me angry and I am not sure if I'll continue reading the rest of the volumes. I just can't stomach unrestrained violence and too much gore. Just too much senseless killings for me. *shudder*The art ...
4,7 estrelas
The creators sure don't shy away from carnage and gore. I just don't get how ninth-graders, 14 and 15-year olds, can have such disturbingly sexual prowess and be so lusty. The urge to kill before you get I killed I understand but those sex and rape talks from people my age don't sit well with me. I ...
Ok, I'm not a massive manga fan and I bought this on a really random whim to find out what the fuss was about... and wow. Seriously, this is not a nice book by any means but it is incredible in a must-know-what-happens-next way. It's full of very graphic (well, it is manga) sex and violence, disturb...
Delivers a punch just as great as the first and even more shocking. The story begins to develop further in volume 2 and we are given a closer look at our lead characters. The true triumph of the Battle Royale series is that nearly every person is explored intimately until no death (even those of soc...
I read the whole Battle Royale Manga/Comic last summer years after I finished reading the book and I feel in love with the story a whole lot more. I think the whole series despite the different volumes deserves 5 stars because it is absolutely amazing. The art is astounding to see and the characters...
Brilliantly violent and stylised, sticking true to it's manga routes without falling into the cookie-cutter trappings of the art and fully capturing the bloody atmosphere and terror of the story. It's only weakness is a slightly messy plot and similar-looking characters, both problems caused by the ...