by Sophie Monroe
3.5 stars rounded up. There is a second book, but this can be read as a stand alone.
Flounced. DNF. If you're going to do a first person narrative and put me in a character's head. Make it a character I'll like. Aubrey is TOO obnoxious and annoying. I don't want any part of that.
2.5 stars...
Review to come :) ”The key to finding lasting love is to find someone who loves you, battlescars and all.”
.......So torn, but this book peaked too early in my honest opinion.Smoking hot Rock Star - checkSmart, pretty, sassy girl with vocals to match - checkFiery heat between the two - checkGreat group of friends - checkAn ickle bit of suspense - checkA smokin hot romance - checkSmart, fun and clever dia...
3.5 stars
Did I read it? No. Will I read it? Uh, no... and I would do a mini-lesson as explanation but why bother? After reading the blurb and skimming the preview, figure people can decide for themselves. Also, if I pick up a sexy story with a bad-assed rocker, in no way will the name "Justin Bieber" EV...
At first, I was totally diggin' the first few chapters esp. since I'm a sucker for rockstars. A few chapters later, I just felt like the story wasn't going anywhere. Some parts felt a too rushed for me & the plot seemed a little too predictable.
**4 ROCK-stars**This is the story of Jake and Aubrey. Jake is the front man for the rockband Battlescars. Aubrey is Jake's flight attendant and from there, the fireworks go off. They take their time to get to know each other and the sexual tension was driving me crazy. Aubrey has a past and is afrai...