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Baudolino - Community Reviews back

by Umberto Eco, William Weaver
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riley rated it 9 years ago
This is a fairly uproarious comic novel about the fine line between truth and fiction, that also functions as a critique of medieval logic and reasoning and as a celebration/satire of the power of myth (and faith, and belief). But I felt a nagging sense of deja vu the entire time I was reading it. B...
Moje książki
Moje książki rated it 10 years ago
Rewelacyjna powieść Umberto Eco! W „Baudolino” przedstawia potęgę słowa pisanego. Tytułowy bohater to chłopski syn, który dzięki sprzyjającemu losowi znajduje się blisko otoczenia Fryderyka Barbarossy. Przez fakt, że jest skrybą i pisze kronikę, a w zasadzie opowiada swoje przeżycia w trakcie łupien...
Boki's Blog
Boki's Blog rated it 12 years ago
Die fantastische Lebensgeschichte des Baudolino erzählt Umberto Eco - bzw. er lässt sie erzählen - aus zwei Perspektiven. Im "Hier und Jetzt" des vierten Kreuzzugs im zerstörten Konstantinopel und als unterhaltsamer Rückblick durch Baudolino selbst, gerichtet an Niketas Choniates, dem er zuvor das L...
rainontheroad rated it 12 years ago
I wish that I had read this novel before I had visited Istanbul. I most certainly would have visited the remnants of the hippodrome (at the Sultan Ahmet Square), the labyrinthine cisterns with its Medusas’ heads and the other places mentioned in the novel. At least there is a lot left to see for my ...
Randolph "Dilda" Carter
Randolph "Dilda" Carter rated it 12 years ago
By far Eco's weakest novel to date.
Cygan rated it 12 years ago
To trudny moment dla miłośnika powieści Eco, kiedy zawiedziony odkłada po przeczytaniu jego ostatnią powieść. Ogromne oczekiwania podsycane przez media – czy z racji swojego wieku autor wyda jeszcze coś. Wydał. Tylko.... po co? Dla pieniędzy? Tych chyba mu nie brakuje. Dla sławy? Tą też ma – i jako ...
Oh, Chrys!
Oh, Chrys! rated it 13 years ago
Really interesting so far! I cannot put it down!
mrsbond rated it 16 years ago
This was the fastest 500+ page book I have ever read. Perhaps I have something for liars.. Baudolino's tale was full of the most unbelievable adventures, yet I fell for it all and couldn't wait for more. Eco is truly is master storyteller.
mehmetbaran140193 rated it 18 years ago
çağımızın en iyi romancılarından birisi kabul edilen umberto eco’nun bu şahane romanı, bir sahtekarın hikayesi: baudolino.italya’nın kuzeyinde doğan, ve söylediği yalanlarla yarattığı dünyanın içinde tamamen kaybolan baudolino ile birlikte haçlı seferinden alamut’a, akhunlardan kuzey avrupa’ya o dön...
Horrorvacui000 rated it 19 years ago
wonderfully entertaining. it was inventive and exciting.
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