by Shannon Delany
Short story - prequel to 13 to Life.I wasn't really impressed with this. Catty girls jogging in the woods and something rather large is snarling out there. I think my beef is probably with the format of free ebook, where the story is only 13 pages long with a bonus 1st chapter of the book. I don't u...
this sucked. i hardly got this at all. i see no point in this story. id rather read the real book. it doesnt help u get the series at all. waste of 3 hours.
This was a decent read for me, even if I haven't read 13 to Life in it's entirety. I almost want to write two separate reviews about "Beasts and BFFs" because as far as the prequel goes, in and of itself, I couldn't give it more than two stars because it failed to grab me - the writing was decent at...
Although not much happened in this short story prequel it was plenty entertaining and reminded me of the events in 13 to Life in time for the release of the sequel Secrets and Shadows next month.