by Christina Lee
Before You Break surprised me in many ways. I read Lee’s Promise Me This which is another book in her Between Breaths series. I enjoyed that one. I knew I’d like Lee’s writing from that novel alone, and it came through in Before You Break, as well. What I wasn’t expecting is for Lee to have another ...
It was enjoyable and engaging. Yes, it had some drama, but not overly so. I liked Avery and I really really liked Quinn. I don't know what it is about quiet guys, but this really was a delicious one.
I feel like a need a breather hehe Awesome book. LOVED IT. Even though I love easy going books there is something in me that keeps rooting for the broken heroes. and when the guy is the broken one who needs the girl it makes it even more beautiful. Remember Ella? Avery's best friend? She was dati...
+5 BEAUTIFUL STARS"Guilt and regret are powerful things.But they can destroy your life.Somehow you have to learn to forgive yourself so you can move on."OMG This book was so beautiful!!You will fall in love with this story!I loved it more than the first book!!It was powerful and left me breathless !...
If I'm considering the whole of Christina Lee's "Before You Break" - I would say it's a decent narrative for the idea/grounds behind the story. This is also a story with enough realistic tangibility to where I could get behind it for the aim, at the very least.But for the longest time, I couldn't fi...