by Alessandra Ebulu
It's not bad, but at the same time, quite odd/awkward.The ostensible features are there, but the cultural aspects aren't quite right. It's like everyone is LARP'ing this story out, except all of the western hints make it seem more like cultural appropriation than anything.I'm not exactly an expert i...
Part of Love is Always Write - Volume 1Nor really a story I could get into but I imagine it would be appreciated by fans of mythology. It all seemed superficial, touching on too much for a short story. The journey to rid the curse took up most of the story with little romance although there is a mén...
I'm not really a Greek Mythology fanatic -I seem to be one of the few on goodreads :(- but I do appreciate and like Greek Mythology, I just don't actively seek out and read them, or read books based on them. So, though I am familiar with Medusa, this was kinda an odd book for me. To be honest, I was...
I'm a fan of Greek mythology, so this was a fun one for me. Like someone said in the comments, this was like Greek god fan fic, but it was such a hoot to read. I thought Ms. Ebulu did a fantastic job crafting a story that fit the photo and the prompt.
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