My Korean Deli by Ben Ryder HoweThere are books I read that make me wish I were as good at reviewing books as I am at reading them. This book is one of these. Howe is the WASP-iest of WASPs, with Pilgrim ancestors who came over on the first boats, and an A+ education. He's an editor at the Paris Rev...
Easily a 3.5 star book. I read it in a weekend -- a rare occurrence in my world -- and enjoyed every minute of it. I really appreciated/enjoyed his non-whiney, deer-in-headlights take on opening and running a deli with his wife and Korean in-laws.
This book was totally unexpected. I didn't really read the description of the book, but since I love to read off beat memoirs, I thought, sure, why not? Just from the title alone, I was only counting on a person and their dive into the deep end of self employment retail hell, but I got so much mor...