"...an intriguing and sexy beastly hero, a vulnerable young student who coaxes him out of his shell, and a romantic and erotic storyline that is sure to satisfy readers." - Penelope's Romance ReviewsWhen Blake receives an offer to return to his alma mater as an associate professor, he knows this...
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"...an intriguing and sexy beastly hero, a vulnerable young student who coaxes him out of his shell, and a romantic and erotic storyline that is sure to satisfy readers." - Penelope's Romance ReviewsWhen Blake receives an offer to return to his alma mater as an associate professor, he knows this is his chance to reenter the world--and to be worthy of the woman he loves. Erin wants this chance for him to heal...even if it means leaving her behind.Beneath the Beauty is a novella in the Beauty serial. Don't miss the sexy initial installment, Beauty Touched the Beast, available now."Skye Warren delivers a some very sensual, sexy scenes." - Fiction Vixen
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