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I wasn't planning to write a review of this book, but since I already voiced off in a PM, I might as well copy my thoughts into a post after all. Long story short, I'm finding, once again, that a combination of art- and purposefully deconstructed speach and a virtually plotless description of drab...
Introduction: Glamour and Grammar, by Benjamin MoserFirst Stories--The Triumph--Obsession--The Fever Dream--Jimmy and I--Interrupted Story--The Escape--Excerpt--Letters to Hermengardo--Gertrudes Asks For Advice--Another Couple of DrunksFamily Ties--Daydream and Drunkenness of a Young Lady--Love--A C...
The whooshing sound was many passages in this book soaring over my head. Still, this is key to Lispector's own sort of mysticism and her prose is as ecstatic as it can be paradoxical and philosophical.
A wonderful first trip into the Lispector interior. Amazing work for such a young woman. Lyrical and beautifully written. Easy to see the Hermann Hesse influences. I am not sure at all how she pulled this book off, but the sophistication was remarkable. It was a very slow read for me as I really w...
Pedant warning: Moser is inordinately fond of the phrase "begs the question" which does not mean "to raise or pose the question" as he and his publisher (OUP?!) seem to think it does.Be advised that if you like to approach a novel somewhat unspoiled, and haven't yet read Lispector's The Passion Acco...