A ponderous study of John Wesley Powell. Powell's exploratory river trip down the Colorado and ultimately through the Grand Canyon was the highlight of this biography. Unfortunately, it's downhill from there, with the minutiae of the politics involved with Powell's subsequent fights in Washington,...
I picked this up on vacation because it looked amusing. And there were a few hilarious lines but most of it was sexist or boring or both. DeVoto believed in only one cocktail, the gin martini, and everything else is anathema. There, now you needn't read it.
Let's concentrate on the chapter entitled 'The Enemy,' shall we?Mr. DeVoto, I couldn't agree with you more. The real problem isn't alcohol, it is this country's preocupation with sweets. Why, I can't count how many times I've been wandering the streets at the middle of the night, smashed on cupcak...