Krause has been a significant figure in the study of natural sounds for many years, and in this book he reviews where the field has come from and discusses where it might be going. Part of his story is what soundscapes are... the collective sounds of places, not just isolated calls here and there. ...
Krause has been a significant figure in the study of natural sounds for many years, and in this book he reviews where the field has come from and discusses where it might be going. Part of his story is what soundscapes are... the collective sounds of places, not just isolated calls here and there. ...
Krause has been a significant figure in the study of natural sounds for many years, and in this book he reviews where the field has come from and discusses where it might be going. Part of his story is what soundscapes are... the collective sounds of places, not just isolated calls here and there. ...
Fascinating book on the aural soundscape that we have all around us, and are sadly now loosing.Krause has recored 15,000 hours of natural sounds in his time, and has cherry picked the best of them.He uses his data to show that even selective logging in a forest can have massive devastation of the wi...
I loved this book and the reminder that we can learn our world by listening, not just looking, resonated with me. I don't spend nearly enough time listening. Biophony is a fascinating concept. The wild world (and the created world) understood as sound scape.Beautifully written, too. The opening chap...
Wet dream material for sound anoraks no doubt but for me, not so muchblurb - Bernie Krause is the world's leading expert in natural sound. He has spent the last 40 years recording ecological soundscapes and has archived the sounds of over 15,000 species - half of the wild soundscapes he has on tape ...
*Check out for other reviews and sundry thoughts!*At a young age, Bernie Krause (Wild Soundscapes) became fascinated with the array of natural sounds filtering through the walls of his family's house. He grew up to become both a musician and a naturalist, making a career...