by Rowena Cory Daniells
I really liked this book. Wow, it was great. Everything I look for in fantasy, well I suppose this is more of a dark fantasy, but that's probably why I like it. Look at the cover !! Super pretty, and i'm not gonna lie it is why I picked up the book in the first place. The story itself though is wh...
Daniells’ Besieged is the first book in a trilogy about the fate of the T’En (known to humans as the Wyrd), a race of near-humans blessed (cursed) with “gifts.” For three centuries there’s been an uneasy truce between them and humans. The T’En and the half-human/half-T’En Malaunje are confined to an...
So there are those books with pretty covers. And books with pretty titles. And books with pretty summaries. This book has them all! I want to read it. The cover totally caught my attention, (We all know not to judge a book by its cover, blah, blah blah. But we do that anyway!) and the title caugth m...
This story takes place over a few decades and then it ends when something big happens. Oh yes cliffhanger alert, but it was still a calm cliffie as things will happen. But there is no one hanging off that cliff just yet. Maybe in a minute though.There are different POVs but the two big ones are Sorn...
WHY DON’T I HAVE EXILE YET (while I wait for Sanctuary)????? *runs to Book Depository*-----Besieged was the first book of Rowena’s that I have read, and I feel guilty now for not having read any of the King Rolen’s Kin books (although I own the first) or The Last T’En – I really do; I enjoyed this ...
Wow oh wow oh wow!Rowena has done it again! Full review to come