Beslissende moment
9789025432690 (9025432697)
Edition language: Dutch
Great explanation on how social epidemics work: how books become bestsellers, how products get viral and even how crime rates fall. The chapteer about smoking is particularly informing, as it brings light to a lot of vulgar misconceptions about drug use.
I kept thinking about the concepts in this book long after I put it down. While the examples from epidemiology were familiar to me, the application of similar analysis to the spread of other types of epidemics, from fashion trends to the sales of a particular book, was enlightening. A f...
~~Moved from GR~~ The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell This is a brilliant and fantastically well-written popular science account of the importance of networks and complexity in our everyday lives. Even though I do research in this area, the narrative grabbed and held my attention. Every concept...