by Alex Jennings, Jeffrey Archer
The Clifton Chronicle book# 3The book picks up after the events in “The Sins of the Father” and is a real pot boiler that continues the Clifton gripping family and political sagas which spans the years 1945 to 1958 in this installment.The momentum of the narrative swings between Giles Barrington, no...
Today was a beautiful reading day here, and I finished the third book in the Barrington trilogy. This book did not disappoint. I enjoyed the new characters Archer introduced (a half-sister in the younger generation, a South American megalomaniac, a conniving wife for an heir). I also like his taking...
This third installment of Jeffrey Archer's Clifton Chronicles continues in melodramatic, soap-opera style but begins moving on to the next generation with the focus beginning to shift from Harry and Emma to their son Sebastian.Following Archer's trademark cliffhanger from The Sins of the Father, the...
Today was a beautiful reading day here, and I finished the third book in the Barrington trilogy. This book did not disappoint. I enjoyed the new characters Archer introduced (a half-sister in the younger generation, a South American megalomaniac, a conniving wife for an heir). I also like his taking...
Μου αρέσουν οι χαρακτήρες της σειράς.Το 1ο μισό έδειχνε να ήταν πολύ καλύτερο από το επιεικώς μέτριο The Sins of the Father, στη συνέχεια όμως έκανε τρελή κοιλιά.Άσε που τον καμβά του ιστορικού μυθιστορήματος (που ήταν βασικό συστατικό στοιχείο στο πρώτο βιβλίο της σειράς) τον έχει παραμερίσει σε ρό...
I was disappointed with Sons of Fortune, but this is more of what I expect from Archer. Great book!