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Betrayal (Dramatists Play Service) - Harold Pinter
Betrayal (Dramatists Play Service)
by: (author)
ISBN: 5100673958
Publisher: Dramatists Play Service, Inc.
Edition language: English
Community Reviews
MarginMan rated it
3.0 Betrayal
I can just as easily give it 2 stars, but I'm allowing for the possibility that it's better as a live performance. Pinter could have named this play What?, due to how many times his characters ask that question. They come across as either really dense, or as suffering from some serious ADD. He was p...
Rachel the Book Harlot
Rachel the Book Harlot rated it
3.0 Betrayal by Harold Pinter
This probably works better on the stage than it does on the page. Frankly, I was disappointed. True to its title, Betrayal is a story about betrayal and deception. The play is centered on three people: Emma, Robert, and Jerry. Emma, who is married to Robert, has had a long-term affair with Robert'...
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it
sat 2:30Harold Pinter's acclaimed drama about a love affair and the intricate nature of deceit.
AC rated it
It is the film you want to see, not the book: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betrayal_(1983_film)From today's obituary: Pinter once said of language, "The speech we hear is an indication of that which we don't hear. It is a necessary avoidance, a violent, sly, and anguished or mocking smoke scree...
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