At seventeen, Cordelia is an ordinary teen with an extraordinary and frightening secret. A secret that induces vivid dreams which she not only experiences true love, but crippling fear while barely escaping with her life each night. After a life altering event, Cordelia has an unexpected...
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At seventeen, Cordelia is an ordinary teen with an extraordinary and frightening secret. A secret that induces vivid dreams which she not only experiences true love, but crippling fear while barely escaping with her life each night. After a life altering event, Cordelia has an unexpected encounter with Evan, the mysterious boy from her dreams, who reveals who and what she is - a descendant of the Greek gods. At that moment everything she knows of her world is a lie, and she must leave the present and go into the past to assume the role she was put on this earth for - safeguarding her ancient empire amidst evil forces that toil hastily to destroy it. In a race against time, Cordelia must decide if she is truly a part of this dangerous world, or risk defying the gods, and ultimately lose the boy who has put a claim on her heart.The Descendants #2 entitled SACRIFICE is anticipated to be released in December 2011.
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Format: paperback
9780615454023 (061545402X)
ASIN: 061545402X
Publish date: March 2011
Publisher: Mayandree Michel
Pages no: 662
Edition language: English
Young Adult,
Science Fiction,
Historical Fiction,
Paranormal Romance,
Time Travel,
Greek Mythology
Series: The Descendants (#1)
It took me 15-20% to get into the book btu once i was into it, i coudlnt help but read the rest as soon as i could :) Great story :)
This book had a lot of promise but I hit a wall with this one...for a number of reasons.First, an editor is needed. I'm not one who usually focuses so much on this if there is a good story. In this case, there were too many issues - spelling, tense consistency, word choice. Bottom line, if you ca...
Interesting ideas in the world building but terribly edited and unnecessarily long winded. Managed about 100 pages before deciding I'm not going to read anymore.
UPDATE (26.11.11): Today I unexpectedly found this at my favourite bookshop! of course I had to buy it :) I didn't realise that the book is so thick as I first read it as an eBook (it's not that thick though)Throughout this book, at times I desperately wanted Cordelia to remember who she was and who...
Read This Review & More Like It On My Blog!I struggled mightily with this book. I liked the idea for the story (descendants of the Olympian Gods have a hidden, secret Empire in present day and also vampires, werewolves, etc). However, it was a good idea poorly executed in many parts of this looong b...