5 stars: "This is a story of betrayal, love, honor and an undying desire to save a people. The characters are wonderful." -- Linda, reviewer PNRGuildReviewer Top Pick: "It's easy to get very wrapped up in this tale; I read itone sitting. I can't wait for next one and very highly recommend thisone...
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5 stars: "This is a story of betrayal, love, honor and an undying desire to save a people. The characters are wonderful." -- Linda, reviewer PNRGuildReviewer Top Pick: "It's easy to get very wrapped up in this tale; I read itone sitting. I can't wait for next one and very highly recommend thisone to anyone who enjoys gritty urban fantasy." -- Night Owl Reviews"A gripping tale of deceit and betrayal, love, loss,compassion, courage and the all consuming desire to fight for what you believein. I fell in love with the characters." -- Wormhole"This is a story of hope, love, freedom, and redemption. Turen and Mia are wonderful." -- LJ DeLeon, Bestselling author of Warrior's RiseWhat would you do to save your people from extinction?What if your race held the key to mankind's future?One Guardian will risk hell to change the future.Descended from the race of Guardians, Turen's people have survived the last two hundred years, quarantined and isolated. Living in secrecy with no mates and no offspring, they fail to deliver on their ability to replenish and heal human souls through the birth of their Guardian children. Risking his life, Turen chooses capture at the hands of a comrade-turned-enemy to seek answers to change the future. Mia Bowman has no knowledge of the secret Guardian race. Yet, her uncontrollable, nocturnal summons to Turen's prison cell and her strong sense of justice leave her with little choice but to help him. She can heed his warning and stay clear of his people's problems or she can ferret out the lies and unravel an ancient tale of murder and deceit. It will take an ultimate sacrifice to stop the unexpected evil and reverse a fatal ending to the Guardian line. THE GUARDIANS OF EDEN:A race of beings created in a Sanctum at the far edge of Eden. Co-existing with mankind, they safeguarded human souls and the promise of eternity--until a virus killed all over the age of eighteen. The surviving children fled to the Sanctum for protection, children raising children without the full legacy of their history and knowledge. Two hundred years of solitude have produced a race of semi-immortals fortified with powers and intellect but lacking the mates who will make them whole and allow them to fulfill their covenant with mankind.GENRE: Adult Urban Fantasy / Paranormal Romance Book 1: Betrayal's ShadowBook 2: Warrior RebornBook 3: Destiny's Mark
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