3.5 stars. I loved the build-up in this one, no insta-love here thankfully, even though it's short, but I was disappointed with the ending. It was very abrupt, and the secondary characters, who were all a big part of this story, just disappeared as well. No discussion/decision on the MCs' future ...
Feels like the start rather than a whole story. It's hot and I love the panty kink. The GFY is almost too hard to believe, and I'm typically easy to please in that area. I hope there's more to this story to come.
This was so hot and I was really enjoying it, and then it ended kind of abruptly. This could have been a great 4 star read, but I needed more. The slow build had me really excited and I thought this was going to have a really nice ending, so I was let down.Still, this is a hot free read that people ...