by E.E. Montgomery
This is so unbearably heartbreaking :( This is one of the major reasons I don't do late 19 early-to-mid 20th centuries.
This is so unbearably heartbreaking :( This is one of the major reasons I don't do late 19 early-to-mid 20th centuries.
This is so unbearably heartbreaking :( This is one of the major reasons I don't do late 19 early-to-mid 20th centuries.
Bitterweet, heavy on the bitter.While this was a touching story there were several unaddressed elements that I wish had been fleshed out more for both the characters and the reader. Early twentieth century was not a kind time, Carl and David were stuck in an unforgiving place. Short and heavy-heart...
Too real, too heartbreaking, too sad for words. While this was only a short story the few brief pages it took for the author to tell it in, left me silently crying & broken hearted for a world that was and should never have been. Thank you Ms Montgomery for reminding us that while we have come a lon...
A short enjoyable read. For the length not a lot of room for character development, but I felt the issue it dealt with to be harrowing and always reminds me how lucky I am to be living now. 1914 Australia and gay, it must have been a nightmare not being able to live out your love without the constan...
Tragic short story about intolerance, fear, prejudice, and love. It is a powerfully moving story that will stay with me. The characters were well drawn, and the plot rang sadly true to what might have actually happened in those day. It makes me think about all those who have lost their lives to hat...
4 HeartsReview written for MM Good Book Reviews at Carl’s beautiful eyes everyday David slowly falls for the gorgeous delicate man. Carefully hiding from the laws that will not have two men caring for each other David and Carl live the romance day to day...
Beautifully written and so believable of that age. A relative of mine was given white feathers which he kept in a diary. He wasn't gay, but people didn't care why young men didn't enlist, they just felt they had the right. And being gay on top of that.