God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. Genesis 1:31a That is the message at the heart of this cute picture book asking if different creatures would do things that are outside of their normal behavior. For each bug, invertebrate or animal, the illustrations first anthropomorphize as q...
This is wonderful book for young children. This picture book is great for parent to read to their children and have them a laugh. The pictures are down well. It show what god has for as all. We are made for different things. Children will love this for themselves and see have fun reading this sto...
Early Birdy Gets the Worm: A Picture Reading Book for Young Children Illustrated very colorful children's book about a bird and his morning. There is only one page of words. The story is told in the pictures of the book.Good book for a child to speak what they are seeing on the pages as the story go...