This crackling psychological thriller introduces police detective Jack Caffery, on the hunt for a serial killer nicknamed "The Millennium Ripper" by the British tabloids after the bodies of five prostitutes are unearthed beneath the rubble of a Greenwich landfill. All the victims were raped...
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This crackling psychological thriller introduces police detective Jack Caffery, on the hunt for a serial killer nicknamed "The Millennium Ripper" by the British tabloids after the bodies of five prostitutes are unearthed beneath the rubble of a Greenwich landfill. All the victims were raped and their bodies horrendously mutilated--but not until after they were killed by a dose of heroin injected directly into the brain stem. What stuns Caffery even more than the post-mortem savagery is the one detail of the murders the public doesn't know; the hearts of the women were replaced with birds that were still alive when they were sewn into the victims' chests. Caffery himself is a tortured man, still burdened by guilt over the decades- old murder of his younger brother and frustrated because he cannot bring the man he knows to have been responsible to the bar of justice. When the Millennium Ripper confesses to the prostitute killings just before taking his own life, Caffery faces his own limitations and begins to make peace with his past. But then another prostitute is found dead, her body savaged in the same way, a bird where her heart was, and Caffery realises that his past may never truly be put to rest. A solid page turner, this gripping debut by a young Englishwoman introduces a complex and fascinating protagonist destined for another appearance. Meanwhile, Birdman will enthral readers who just can't get enough of Hannibal Lechter. -- Patrick O'Kelley
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Format: paperback
9780553812657 (0553812653)
Publish date: January 1st 2001
Publisher: Bantam
Pages no: 399
Edition language: English
European Literature,
British Literature,
Mystery Thriller,
Series: Jack Caffery (#1)
It felt like that sometimes. It picked up very nicely, though it took long enough though. A shitty way for Essex to take his leave. It should have been Diamond.
I thought I'd take a break from cozy mysteries and read a real mystery for a change. This one was recommended by a friend, with the caveat that it was gory. And there were moments when it was a little bloody, but after reading Stuart MacBride, I 'd have to say it was lite gory. Like, PG-13 gory, ...
For years people had been telling me just how fantastic Mo Hayder's detectives are, so you might not be surprised to learn that my expectation for this novel were extremely high. Not just was I expecting an enjoyable detective, I expected one that would blow my mind. Unfortunately, but perhaps under...
I really liked this book, particularly because of the less-then-perfect main character with a dark past.That being said, this is a very, very dark book. If you don't like violence, I wouldn't recommend this book to you. Personally I don't mind it, sometimes it's what the book needs to keep it intere...
I really liked this book, particularly because of the less-then-perfect main character with a dark past.That being said, this is a very, very dark book. If you don't like violence, I wouldn't recommend this book to you. Personally I don't mind it, sometimes it's what the book needs to keep it intere...