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Black Ice - on shelves back

by Anne Stuart
Daisers HelEinir's Books Book-o-Craze Romance Reader (and Writer) KazKat lorenalee abibliophile A Catty Babble of Books Unique Book Lover Anto1LittleBookwormBitch the little bookish marvelloussbooks Romance and Weltanschauun Izy Cassie  Stacia in Progress Nelle's NightStand The Reading Obsession Marianna WhiskeyintheJar Romance Rachel the Book Harlot Unapologetic Reader, Psychotic Writer Fiordiligii Always Another Book in the TBR Wyvernfriend Reads Bookworm1 Reading Under the Willow Tree The Book Obsessed Loser Brainy Reads Amanda's Blog Book Professor yahyaahmadi dawnchrystal AbibliophobicTendencies♄ For the Love of Books alleyoop alisonalison grapeapril75 T Let's Get Lost in a Book Today... Spackle-the-Fritz on Books Sleepless Nights Romance Reviews Tracey's Vampy and Racey Bookblog HeatherJay traecrochet La Mala *the mean girl* katiebenson733 Give Me Romance Aerulan Books with Beers missEvi ebooks are my thang VeganCleopatra Tell Me a Story Misericordia The Book Diva's Reads
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