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Blackwatch (The Secrets of Wintercraft) - Community Reviews back

by Jenna Burtenshaw
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Incomplete Tales
Incomplete Tales rated it 9 years ago
I liked it a lot more than the first! Kate was once again not as interesting of a narrator as Silas. The story itself started of enticing but nothing seemed to move onward as the book went along, which is when it became more of a drag to read . Edgar was once again just there and added nothing, Deli...
Book Lovers Life
Book Lovers Life rated it 11 years ago
It was OK. Think I might leave book 3 for awhile though.
MLE's Porn and Ponies
MLE's Porn and Ponies rated it 12 years ago
I really like this series. The magic is interesting, and well developed. My favorite part has to be the fact that there is no love triangle. Sure much of the story focuses on Edgar, and Kate running for their lives together, but that is what they are actually doing running for their lives not stoppi...
Feelingfictional rated it 13 years ago
I loved Wintercraft so was looking forward to re-visiting the world Jenna Burtenshaw has created in Blackwatch. This really is a fabulous dark fantasy series and one that I would highly recommend. This story is told from both Kate and Silas's points of view which allows us to follow two very diffe...
Basically Books
Basically Books rated it 13 years ago
review to come
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