As the civil war rages across the Inner Sphere, the Jade Falcons start their own land grab as a means of testing new troops.Davion & Steiner forces have to work together to block this. The Lyrans send Adam Steiner and Victor Davion send Archer Christifori.There were lots of familiar "faces" in this ...
Follow on novel to Highlander Gambit, this is set shortly after the events in that book.Former Capellan Loren Jaffray is now XO of the Northwind Highlanders. Taking a contract with the Draconis Combine, they are tasked with retaking one of their planets currently controlled by Clan Smoke Jaguar.Jaff...
Part of the Mechwarrior series, it doesn't really have anything to do with events going on in the Battletech universe at the time of its setting.This makes it a good read for someone new to the setting, or that just wants a decent standalone sci-fi novel.The title is a dead giveaway, so the ending c...
Set in the same timeframe and conflict as "Bred for War", this follows an attempt by Sun-Tzu Liao to take the planet Northwind from Victor Davion.The Northwind Highlanders mercenary unit are officially under the command of Davion after they took the planet from the Capellans. Into this mix, Liao dro...
The first of the Archers Avengers arc, the civil war erupts in full.Archer Christifori returns home after fighting the clans on Huntress, and finds he has to choose which side to fight for as lines are drawn.Good action, good characters. Fits nicely after the initial skirmishes in Illusions of Victo...
The start of the Twilight of the Clans arc
The start of the Twilight of the Clans arc
Lots of big stompy robot action, as the civil war continues
Lots of big stompy robot action, as the civil war continues
This is a book about an unsung hero, Frederick Zinn of Galesburg, MI. He was a First World War veteran of the U.S. Army Air Service (as well as former French Foreign Legionnaire and member of the French AĆ©ronautique Militaire) and the efforts he made to find and identify missing American airmen from...