by Susannah Gardner
Sometimes I am a little hesitant reading a book with the words 'for Dummies' or 'complete idiots guide to' in the title because it makes me feel like, well, a complete idiot. It is probably because I like to think of myself as intelligent and take offence at being called otherwise. However, sometime...
This gave me a better understanding of how RSS works and how people promote their blogs. I still don't know if I want to jump into that.
I think this book would work for people who have absolutely no experience in blogging or marketing. I found that 2/3rds of this book was basically marketing 101 and had already been doing it. This was with just started my blog. She had interesting information re: photography, but not enough to make ...
I didn't read the book from cover to cover I dug through it reading the chapters that pertained to my needs. It did help me fix an issue I was having with my blog url. Its easy to read and helped to point me to other websites for more information I was looking for. I would recommend keeping it as a ...