Humpty Dumpty has a sister and a family? Who knew. The Dumpty family are part of a traveling circus. Humpty is a "rascal" and his sister is "shy and timid as a field mouse." Humpty and his parents are part of the flying trapeze act of the circus, the Tumbling Dumpties and his sister does odd jobs a...
Benny is too talented to be the magician's assistant any more. When Brillo the Magician kicks him out, Benny thinks he can make it out on his own with his many talents: dancing, juggling, rope-throwing, and being a musician. As he tries to find his place in the world by himself, Brillo realizes tha...
This book has received numerous awards and it's no surprise why. It stars off as a typical book about a kid who wants a dog but ends up a loving tribute to dogs in shelters everywhere. Here's the gist of the story and why I think it's so great:The family has an idea of what they want when they go to...
A contemporary twist to the tooth fairy tale. April and Esme are two tiny child fairies complete with cell phones! They take off on their first tooth retrieval, with courage and determination. A cute story for little ones of a new generation.
Normally I wouldn't be wowed by a book like this. For starters, it isn't my style of illustration at all - cutesy and cartoony . But I really love books that juxtapose magic and the modern world. Countless stories of magic are set in history or in far away (i.e. unreachable) realms. Here we have a f...