In her debut novel, Veronika Carnaby picks up where the Beat Generation left off. Set in 1960, Bohemia chronicles a group of twenty-somethings who defy the "ideals" of a mid-twentieth century society to seek creative fulfillment. In the process, they spotlight the creative path that artists of...
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In her debut novel, Veronika Carnaby picks up where the Beat Generation left off. Set in 1960, Bohemia chronicles a group of twenty-somethings who defy the "ideals" of a mid-twentieth century society to seek creative fulfillment. In the process, they spotlight the creative path that artists of all mediums tread, all the while depicting the challenges faced by youth in the decade that changed the world.
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Format: ebook
Publish date: September 13th 2012
Publisher: CreateSpace
Pages no: 192
Edition language: English
Okay, so I didn't actually finish reading this one, but that's because I just couldn't. Now, it could be that my preview copy was an earlier version than what will be published. There were certainly far too many typos and problems with the text for what I got to ever go to press. I do hope that I've...