by Fel Fern
And the BR with Marte continues..3.5 starsLet us all take a moment to appreciate the awesome title of this book.When Blue comes home he finds his boyfriend of two years cheating on him.Of course his friends think it is a great idea to go out. So Blue finds himself sitting at the bar, feeling miserab...
*** 3,5 surprisingly sweet stars ***---------------------------"See something you like, pup?"---------------------------This was surprisingly sweet! For a boning, I mean. Meet Blue Barker and Jaime Topps.Blue comes home and discovers his boyfriend cheating. Feeling miserable he is dragged along to a...
After Blue catches his bf, Jerome, cheating on him. He is talked into going out to have a one night stand by his best friend, Trig. While at the bar, Blue is picked up by Jaime who wants to have a wild night with Blue. Blue is pretty hard on himself and doesn't think he's anyone the hottie at the ba...