I received a copy from Netgalley when my wish request was granted. I also purchased a finished paperback because I love the UK cover. This was a really interesting book. The paperback has a map in the front of the area in Alaska where the book is set, and it was a little confusing, there were seve...
Have you ever heard the theory that we are all separated from everyone else in the world by fewer then six steps or degrees? Well that's really the underlying theme in this story. We meet four different characters from 1970's Alaska- Ruth, Dora, Alyce and Hank. They each live different lives but as ...
Klapptext: Alyce weiß nicht, wie sie Fischen und Tanzen in Einklang bringen soll. Ruth hat ein Geheimnis, das sie nicht mehr lange verbergen kann. Dora will ihren Vater nie wieder sehen und wird von Dumplings Familie aufgenommen. Hank und seine Brüder hauen von zu Hause ab, doch einer von ihnen ge...
“Houses with moms in them tend to smell better.” I loved how all the characters were tied to one another in this novel yet there were four separate stories. The stories are unique in their setting and their storylines and yet, they all come together. There was not one story that I liked better...
Review copy provided by Netgalley and Faber & Faber in exchange of a honest review. A SOLID 5 STARS FOR THIS AMAZING BOOK! I have to say I'm really surprised. I choose this book because the synopsis seemed interesting and the cover was beautiful. But I did not expect it to be so good. I was firs...
A special thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review.DNF 27%The synopsis of this book had me so excited, but at 27% I got bored. I didn't like the execution of the story. I'm fine with changes in point of view, but it didn't work in this story, a...
This review can also be found at Carole's Random LifeI really enjoyed reading this short little book. This book first grabbed my attention with its title. I loved the title and the purple cover is just beautiful. The story inside the cover was equally wonderful. I haven't read a lot of books set...
Reasons why I read the book: Title + cover + setting + time period.Reasons why I loved the book: Feels + characters + great relationships + diversityThe Smell of Other People’s Houses is actually not about some weird person that goes around sniffing other people's houses. It is a profound book about...