by Megan Mulry
I was looking forward to reading this book, how could I not? I love historical romances, especially if there is some spice in them and for some reason (I don't know what), I'd thought this one would have lots of it. Well, it didn't. It doesn't matter anyway, it is still a good story. I just wonder h...
Grade: D+She had proved quite amenable, showing admirable equestrian and culinary skills and generally not making a nuisance of herself.This story was all over the place, especially the wildly inconsistent, nearly-TSTL heroine and her education at the Convent of Handy Outdoor Survival Techniques.
For this review and more my blogBound to be a Bride sounded awesome I really liked the sound of the storyline and the historical setting. In the end I found this book to be readable but it was a little all over the place. The characters were decent but seemed to fluctuate in their personalities co...
I just did not connect with the characters in this one. I'm not sure if it was the shorter format or just the odd from virgin to wanting to be bound and dominated in one short novella that threw me. I get that she didn't want to be controlled after being raised in a convent then being promised to ...