by Alex Sanchez
For the most part, Boyfriends with Girlfriends was a pretty decent read. There was just one major thing that severely lessened my enjoyment of the book and I am going to address that first. Lance really bothered me. Initially, he is very biphobic and I hated him for it. "My main worry is the bi ...
I am barely 50 pages into this book, and I hate it. The Japanese fetishism is so, so gross and it's everywhere. I'm going to finish reading it to see if it gets better. I'm fully expecting the bi-erasure one character is espousing to be corrected by the end of the novel (if it's not, even grosser)...
Lance, at the beginning youre an ass. Everyone else, i really liked you. Plot, meh, but that´s me all the time really. full review later. explores bisexuality well, from two oppositee ends :)
Kind of like cotton candy. A bit substanceless, but sweet. Simple. My first Sanchez.
The problem with this book is all it does is push a lifestyle. I am greatly encouraged by the idea that someone would take the time to write a book for bi-sexual teens, as I'm sure there are a lot of confused teens out there trying to understand themselves.Unfortunately, this book is poorly written...
I think I would have really liked this when I was a teen. As a staid old self-accepting grownup, though, the constant drama of this book was wearying. Angst cubed is too much. Being in all four angsty teens' heads was too much. I finished it, but it was a genuine slog for me. It was just... too angs...
Let me start out by saying that I was completely excited at the prospect of reading this book. I fully believe that Alex Sanchez's message is something that needs to be out there. He not only addresses the concepts of homosexual and straight, but also tackles the much debated idea of being bi-sexual...
couldn't get into this one, will try again later.
**Advance Reader Copy courtesy of Simon & Schuster