The shocking deaths of two beloved Boystown residents bring heartache and uncertainty to the lives of all who knew them. As family and friends grieve, the search begins for Joyelle Mancini and her daughter, who find themselves in the captivity of a madman. In the meantime, Aiden Carmichael...
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The shocking deaths of two beloved Boystown residents bring heartache and uncertainty to the lives of all who knew them. As family and friends grieve, the search begins for Joyelle Mancini and her daughter, who find themselves in the captivity of a madman. In the meantime, Aiden Carmichael continues his plan to destroy the Ciancio and Mancini families.
During the height of the holiday season, two strangers descend upon Boystown. The dashing Victor DelVecchio and the sexy Brad Ward arrive in Chicago just as several couples come to crossroads in their relationships. While some vow to move forward together and others choose to move in different directions individually, Victor and Brad have plans of their own which will permanently impact the Boystown landscape.
As Christmas approaches, a startling murder leaves a killer on the loose. With the arrival of the worst blizzard in Chicago history, someone struggles to keep his true identity from his friends, an evil plan tears apart one of Boystown’s most prominent couples, and several unforeseen events result in life-threatening situations for members of the Ciancio and Mancini families.
There’s no place like BOYSTOWN!
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