by Stephenie Meyer
Great wrap up to a great series. Just remember that this is fantasy and it is okay to have a fairy tale ending and you'll be okay. I had tingles when I closed the book after reading the last page. Now, is the book perfect? Of course not, what book is? Stephenie Meyer could never make everyone h...
I'm almost teary-eyed when Bella's taking Renesmee away from them. It's how they loved Renesmee, unconditionally. Edward's a good husband to her and Jacob's a true friend and lover.
in my opinion the book is entertaining but i really did hope for more. it seems like i read a Disney storybook, the book ends too happily...
After I read this book, all I can say is..."That's all?" I've read it for 1 1/2 days and I feel I only waste those days. Lack of action and thrill, no extraordinary events.
This is my favorite out of all the four books along with Twilight. Not many books end their sequels with an absolutely good story. Its because of the Twilight saga that Vampire stories became a hit theme for Television Shows and other Movies.
a thoughtful read~I enjoyed it too.
Nice one, although, nowadays the vampire motive is so popular that it's not anything new or extraordinary. But the book is quite ok. Not demanding read.