As I got back into the desolation that is is Ember's world, it didn't take long until the rush of it all came right back. The first book, Article 5, was a lot of fun with tons of action and wonderful characters, leaving me dying for this one. The sequel begins where Article 5 one left off, with shor...
5 stars. Is the next book out yet?? Seriously...So thankfully my sister has the good luck necessary to win contests and as soon as she got this in the mail I was pestering her about when she thought she would be done. Thankfully she is a fast reader...Breaking Point opens up with Chase and Ember ...
So... this book... I have been trying to get my hands on a copy of this since I knew it was available. I may have scared the girl who emailed me to let me know I won.But I blame Kristen... I mean, the ending to Article 5 had me dying to know what was next for Ember and Chase. And she wastes no time...
I have a special place in my heart for this series. The first book that I ever reviewed here on Alluring Reads was Article 5, I am not going to be linking to that review because it’s terrible and reading Breaking Point made me go and look at how far my reviews have come since I started. But anyway...
A fantastic follow up to Article 5 by Kristen Simmons. Where in Article 5 we follow the journey of Ember and Chase, and their quest to find safety in a not so free America, in Breaking Point, we continue their journey to freedom…but this time, it’s within the Resistance; the very people who are fig...
I love that sequels are getting better and better. Instead of dreading them, they are quickly become a read that I devour in one sitting. What I enjoyed most about this book is the great plot. I mean, hands down, this plot freaking rocks. Not only are the characters facing some hard times, they are ...